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November 2024, 15-17th - 37. Karlsruher Spieletage 2024
Well, wouldn't you like to send your Titan on a journey again?
6th December 2023
It took a long, long time: 5,754 days have passed since Swen Harder emailed me his old Gods of Titan website (which is not longer available). I have finally managed to add it to the other variants. It's unbelievable how much work has gone into it.
November/December 2023
Phew, that was necessary: the site has now been brought up to a reasonably up-to-date technical standard.
November 2023, 17-19th - Karlsruher Spieletage
Unfortunately not so many Titan players made it to the Thoule tournament this year, but we had a nice game. Hopefully there will be more of us next year!

October 2022, Karlsruher Spieletage

January 2009
A (provisionally) German translation of the new "LAW OF TITAN" is available!
December 2008
I received 4 of my 6 new TITAN games. The quality is not 100% perfect, but: If you love the old version, you'll love the new version too - For me: I love it, it's sooo gorgeous, sooo lovely! Many, many thanks to Valley Games!
You can order your TITAN box at: Valley Games
from 8th-10th February 2008
- after six years: complete redesign of this page.
3rd October 2007
Valley Games is reprinting Titan, with new art!
Image from BoardGameGeek
Near-final box artwork fro Valley Games reprint.