source : variants > variant rules > mytho titan > mytho titan rules


Mytho-Titan is an expansion of the basic Titan game to include heroes, monsters, gods, magic, and other aspects of Greek mythology. The resulting game offers new strategies, more variety, and ways to come from behind, which is always difficult in Titan. To use these rules you must either make a bunch more pieces or procure a copy of the 1980 out-of-print Yaquinto Publications game Mythology. You only need the counters from this game. This expansion also requires the use of percentile dice.

The Mythology counters come in three sizes. We'll move from the largest to the smallest. The ten large (Titan-sized) counters are gods. Each god has special powers that it confers upon the legion it is stacked with. Gods do not count toward stacking, but recruiting a god precludes a legion from recruiting anything else that turn. The following table lists the gods, the terrain and counters needed to recruits them, and their special powers.

God Terrain Recruiters Powers
Aphrodite woods male and female* Negates any male god in battle. Charms opposing heroes to her side in battle.
Apollo tower 3 angels or 1 angel and a musical counter** Allows a free look at an opposing legion within two spaces or when deciding to attack.
Ares brush lord, hero, and demilord Doubles victory point awards.
Artemis hills 3 different kinds of rangestrikers Doubles dice and adds +1 skill factor to all rangestrikes.
Athena jungle unicorn and hero or unicorn and demilord Gives 6 free hits on command in battle.
Demeter plains 4 different animals*** Protects against fate and disasters. Provides 2 shield points**** in battle.
Hephaestus mountain 2 different demilords Retrieves magic and divine items lost by another legion.
Hermes tundra 6 different counters (Titan sized) Prevents pinning of pieces in battle. Allows his legion an extra space of movement on the masterboard.
Hestia marsh 4 different pieces of skill factor 2. Protects against disasters. Provides 6 shield points.****
Poseidon swamp ranger, hero, and monster Gives shp privileges. Makes all pieces native to bog and able to move across or stop on water.
* Males include only human types, such as ranges, warlocks, knights, heroes, etc., not such creatures as trolls and cyclops. Females are harder to find . In addition to goddesses, there are two female heroes (Atalanta and Medea), and a number of female small counters and monsters (Amazons, Andromeda, Circe, Graiae, Helen, Hesperides, Lamia, Medusa, Scylla, and Sirens). Titans are the same gender as their player.
** Musical counters are Muses, Satyrs, and Sirens.
*** Animals are gorillas, lions, lynxes, mammoths, martens, panthers, wolves, the monsters: Calydonian Boar, Crommyonian Sow, and Nemean Lion, and the small counters: Cerumean Stag and Marathon Bull.
**** Shield points absorb hits in battle. Several magic items also use shield points.

The next size of counter consists of heroes and monsters, neither of which count against stacking. At the start of play, place all the heroes in one cup and all the monsters in another. You recruit them in similar ways. When an angel (not an archangel) lands in the same kind of terrain as it started the turn, it can recruit a hero. Simply draw one from the cup. You recruit monsters in the same way, by landing in the same terrain twice, but with any end-of-the-road creature (colossus, hydra, serpent, unicorn, or 2 gorgons, or 2 rangers). Once again, simply draw from the cup.

Recruiting a hero or monster is done instead of mustering a normal creature.

Heroes and monsters are all skill factor 5. The number in the upper right corner counter divided by 5 is its power factor. The number on the middle of the right side of the counter divided by 5 is the number of dice used when rangestriking. A counter with a combat factor of 0 rolls no dice and dies when it is hit once, but it does exert a zone of control, pinning enemy pieces. All heroes and monsters with rangestrike ability are magical in nature, following the rules for warlocks.^

Heroes have an additional ability: they can summon a god from another legion following the normal rules for, and instead of, summoning an angel.

Finally, there are small counters, which fall into various types. Start the game by putting all the small counters in a cup. A small counter appears on the board after each battle, including ones in which one side surrenders before fighting. The defender draws a counter out of the cup (without looking at it) and places it face-down on the space indicated by the offensive player's roll of percentile dice on the following table:

roll space roll space roll space roll space roll space roll space
1 1 17 17 33 33 49 106 65 122 81 138
2 2 18 18 34 34 50 107 66 123 82 139
3 3 19 19 35 35 51 108 67 124 83 140
4 4 20 20 36 36 52 109 68 125 84 141
5 5 21 21 37 37 53 110 69 126 85 142
6 6 22 22 38 38 54 111 70 127 86 200
7 7 23 23 39 39 55 112 71 128 87 300
8 8 24 24 40 40 56 113 72 129 88 400
9 9 25 25 41 41 57 114 73 130 89 500
10 10 26 26 42 42 58 115 74 131 90 600
11 11 27 27 43 100 59 116 75 132 91 1000
12 12 28 28 44 101 60 117 76 133 92 2000
13 13 29 29 45 102 61 118 77 134 93 3000
14 14 30 30 46 103 62 119 78 135 94 4000
15 15 31 31 47 104 63 120 79 136 95 5000
16 16 32 32 48 105 64 121 80 137 96 6000
97 through 1000 Roll again twice

When a legion lands on a small counter, the owning player looks at it and either resolves it immediately if it is a fate or a disaster or puts it in his legion if it is anything else. This counter does not count against stacking or as a recruit. A legion containing either a gorgon or a ranger MAY pick up a small counter if it moves through a space containing the counter, resolving it immediately (mid-move) if it is a fate or a disaster.

A number of small counters can only be used by humanoids. Humanoids are: angel, archangel, assassin, colossus, cyclops, demon, giant, healer, hero, illusionist, knight, medusa, minotaur, necromancer, ogre, ranger, sasquatch, sorcerer, titan, troll, warlock, and their respective lords.

Fate: A fate counter kills a random piece from the legion that turned it up. Simply make a random roll among eligible creatures to see which dies. Lords are immune to fates, but demilords, heroes, monsters, small counters that fights and all creatures can die.

Disasters: A disaster counter kills 1d6 of a certain classification of piece. Use the following chart to determine the type of counter affected. Take those killed from the nearest legion, starting with the legion that turned up the counter. If two or more legions are equidistant, the one on the lower numbered space is the first to lose pieces. If a legion has more than enough pieces to satisfy the number killed, the owner of the legion chooses which ones to die.

Earthquake behemoth, griffon, minotaur, warbear, wyvern
Famine centaur, eagle, gargoyle, hawk, lizard, lynx, marten, ogre, panther, snake, wolf
Pestilence gorgon, ranger, unicorn
Plague demilord, hero, lord (Titans exempt)
Tempest basilisk, cyclops, demon, dryad, gorilla, knight, lion, mammoth, medusa, phoenix, roc, sasquatch, troll
Volcano colossus, dragon, giant, hydra, monster, serpent

Ships: A legion with a ship can move directly across any black hexagon instead of its normal move when it rolls a 5. Ships go to the dead pile when the owning legion is destroyed.

Creatures: Amazons, Bandits, Barbarians, Centaur, Circe, King, Muses, Pirates, Satyr, and Solymi are small counter creatures, and they follow the same rules as heroes and monsters. These creatures do not count against stacking, but they do count for keeping a legion alive and they do exert a zone of control on the battle board. Circle, Muses, and Satyr rangestrike as warlocks.^

Mounts: There are four magical mounts in the game: Arion, Balius, Caerus, and Xanthus. A humanoid creature can ride one of these on the battle board, making it immune to being pinned.^ Arion also fives its rider the ability to make a magical rangestrike of 2-5.^ A legion containing one of these mounts and a rider has the option of moving one extra space on the master board. More than one mount in the same stack does not increase this bonus. When the riding creature dies the mount goes to the dead pile. The Winged Sandals give the same benefit as a mount.

The following six counters represent personalities from Greek mythology, some human and some not. These counters give the owning legion some ability. They do not count against stacking and they do not appear on the battle board. If the owning legion is destroyed, the personality counter goes to the dead pile.
Andromeda: At the beginning of a battle, before the defensive player decides whether to fight or run away, Andromeda charms all monsters from the opposing legion to her own legion.
Cerumean Stag: This beast increases the skill factor of its rider by 1.^ Any humanoid can ride the stag.
Cerynites: The presence of this counter allows a legion to move through enemy legions without having to do battle.
Helen: This beauty seduces any male heroes from the enemy legion at the start of battle just as Andromeda charms monsters.
Marathon Bull: This beast allows its legion, when moving, to bump an opposing legion out of the way. The opposing legion must move a direction that would have been possible if it had rolled a 1. If another legion occupies that space, it is bumped in turn. This chain bumping continues until the bumped legion lands on a vacant space. The Bull's legion, meanwhile, moves its normal number, ending in the bumped legion's previous space if that would have ended the move or continuing on if it had not moved its full number. It cannot, however, bump a second legion in the same turn, doing battle as normal instead.
Pegasus: The Pegasus can transport one piece each turn to another legion. If it carries a living being, that piece can bring, that piece can bring with it anything it was carrying or wearing. The Pegasus goes with the teleporting piece. The move cannot violate stacking limits. A teleporting piece cannot recruit on the same turn. The Pegasus may transport ships or other inanimate objects, but it cannot transports a god or teleport "empty."

Small counters representing items that can be worn or carried can be captured. If the piece carrying or wearing the item dies while his legion wins the battle, the item goes to the dead pile (unless retrieved by Haphaestus). If his legion loses the battle, the victorious legion captures all items that can be carried or worn. Ships and living beings are never captured (or retrieved); they always go to the dead pile if the owning legion loses.
Armor: Any humanoid, plus centaurs and gorillas, can wear armor. A piece wearing armor can absorb an extra number of hits equal to the number in the upper left corner divided by 5. However, the piece loses a number of attack dice equal to the number in the upper right corner divided by 5. Thus, the gold armor can absorb 10 hits, but gets 4 less attack dice. The bronze armor can absorb 8 hits but gets 2 less attack dice. A piece cannot take off its armor during battle.
Cornucopia: Allows a legion to stack to 8.
Divine Swords: Any piece with hands can use a sword. Divide the number in the upper right corner by 5, and the result is the number of extra dice the piece can roll in attack and strikeback.^ In addition, a piece carrying a divine sword has its skill factor increased by 1 (to a maximum of 5) for determining the number it needs to hit (but not for defense).
Golden Apples: The Golden Apples allow its legion to roll again for movement. It may not then use the first roll. It must either use the second roll or not move.
Golden Bough: Any piece with hands can carry the Golden Bough. It doubles the number of dice used in attack and strikeback, but not rangestrike.^
Golden Bridle: Allows a humanoid to stack with any creature he could ride on the battle board.^ The bridle is lost when the mount is lost. Legitimate mounts are basilisks, behemoths, centaurs, dragons, gargoyles, gorgons, griffons, hydras, lions, lynxes, mammoths, panthers, rocs, unicorns, warbears, wolves, wyverns, and their respective lords. If the legion contains a humanoid and a legitimate mount, it may stack eight on the master board.
Golden Fleece: A legion containing the Golden Fleece may recombine with any other of the same player's legions as one passes through the space of the other. The two stacks can combine if one lands on the other and if this does not violate stacking limits. No piece, including the fleece, may move twice in the same turn.
Helmet of Invisibility: Any humanoid piece can use the helmet. The helmet shields its wearer from 4 hits, allows its wearer 4 extra attack dice, and increases its skill factor by 1.^ It also allows its wearer a (non-magical) rangestrike of 4-5.^
Nepenth: The Nepenth can be used by any piece with hands. The piece carrying the Nepenth has it's skill factor increased by 1.
Potions: The counters marked "potion" and "moly" give magical rangestriking ability to the piece that uses them.^ The counter must be in possession of a certain piece at the beginning o the battle. If that piece drinks the potion it gains the ability to magically rangestrike as a 2-3 (potion) or a 4-5 (moly) for the rest of the battle instead of that piece's normal rangestriking ability (if any), discard the counter once it is used. If the piece carrying this item does not use it, it is susceptible to loss or capture as any other item.
Shields: Any piece with hands can carry a shield. The number in the upper left corner divided by 5 is the number of hits the shield blocks. As long as the piece survives the battle the shield is as good as new for the next battle. Hephaestus can retrieve lost shields.
Winged Sandals: The Winged Sandals give the same benefits as a mount. Any humanoid can use the sandals.



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